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Example research essay topic: Present And Future Julius Caesar - 1,042 words

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Epics The Aeneid and Metamorphoses: A Comparison Both Vergil and Ovid imbedded underlying meanings in their epics The Aeneid and Metamorphoses. In this paper I will focus on the underlying meaning in the Underworld scene in Vergil's The Aeneid (lines 356 through 1199). I will also focus on three scenes in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Both epics contain a larger message about the importance of the Roman past for its present and future under Augustus. The story of Aeneas in the Underworld can be interpreted as a brilliant rendition of the story of Romes past, present, and future.

When Aeneas descends into the Underworld, he is escorted by the Sibyl (lines 347 349). This gives the readers a clue that what is to happen in the upcoming text is a foretelling of Roman future because the Sibyl was a prophetess (Course Packet, p 16). As Aeneas enters the Underworld, he sees numerous horrible sights: Grief, Disease, Old Age, Fear, Hunger, and several others. (Lines 356 379) These unsettling and dark words bring difficult images to the readers mind. These lines foretell that there will be difficulties while Rome is in its infancy through phrases like lonely night and phantom kingdom. Rome did indeed have difficulties in its infancy; in the 7 th and 6 th centuries BCE it was ruled by Etruscan kings and was only a little hill town. (Short Histories, p 20) Lines 390 through 549 in The Aeneid deal with the crossing of the River Styx. This represents a great transition period in Rome.

It symbolizes the founding of the Republic. The multitude of rushing and swarming people (Line 402) represents those that suffered the internal turmoil in the early stages of the Republic. (Short Histories, p 21) When Aeneas mentions, and by what rule must some keep off the bank (Lines 419 421) he may symbolically be referring to the Struggle of the Orders that the early Republic experienced. (Short Histories, p 22) As Aeneas wanders through the Underworld, he notices Dido wandering about. (Lines 593 626) He tries to talk to her, but his words serve no purpose; she flees from him. He then sees the souls of those who died in battle. (Lines 628 650) These lines correspond to the Punic Wars that occurred from 264 to 146 BCE (Short Histories, pg. 24 26) because Aeneas offended, and arguably caused the death of, Dido when he left Carthage where he lived with Dido. (The Aeneid Book IV, line 300) In lines 738 832 Aeneas beholds the fortress Tartarus and its inhabitants who are being beaten and whipped. This gruesome scene can be related to Julius Caesars death. The tormented souls could represent the enemies of Caesar. Caesar had spared the lives of many of his most famous enemies (Short Histories, p 33) These enemies rose up and slew him for his kindness.

The Tyrant Slayers (Short Histories, p 34) were soon embattled in war for their unpopular attack. After Aeneas witnesses the horrors of Tartarus, he comes upon the Groves of Blessedness. This utopian abode is where those that served beneficial lives by helping their country, being pious, or advancing the qualities of life reside. (Lines 844 889) These lines actually have two hidden meanings. Following th history of Rome, this is the period where Augustus ruled.

Vergil is trying to impress Augustus by relating his wisdom while ruling to a heavenly place. The second hidden meaning is that Vergil wanted to portray that those who were good Roman citizens had a much greater future to look forward to that those who were bad citizens. After witnessing all he did in the Underworld, Aeneas finally meets his father Anchises. From lines 999 through 1190, Anchises tells Aeneas what is to come in the near future. Anchises lists the descendants of Aeneas, leaving special mention on Caesar by placing him directly after Romulus. Augustus is glorified as the son of a god, and many great deeds are spoken on his behalf.

The epic ends on a sad note: that of Marcellus death. (Lines 1148 1182) This sad ending foretells that Rome will never achieve its full potential, yet it will achieve much. Ovid takes a different approach to his story-telling. Instead of constructing elaborate events which have double meanings, he simply tells several stories. Ovid's works are less complex than Vergil's, and there is much less meaning within his stories.

When Pythagoras is speaking, a recurring idea in his speeches is to not eat the flesh of another animal. (Ovid, p 337 338) On a symbolic level, he is lecturing about taking another persons life. In this sense, Pythagoras may be speaking against murder, and against war. By stating that creatures trying to kill us may be killed (p 337) he is implying that it may be necessary to defend ones life against attack, but one should never attack another. In view of Romes past, this lecture may have come about as a result of the Punic Wars when a large deportation of males from Rome as soldiers caused a serious manpower shortage within the city. (Short Histories, p 25 27) Another important message in Pythagoras speech is that of change. Pythagoras gives several examples of how things seem to change, yet they somehow remain in their original form. (Ovid, p 339 341) This story can be related to Rome itself.

The city, throughout the centuries, changed much. At times it was a mighty empire, at times it was on the verge of collapse. Yet throughout the centuries, Rome has survived in some form, and will continue to do so. Ovid's last story is that of Julius Caesar, his death, and of Augustus reign.

In this part of the epic, the gods play a role in the death of Julius Caesar. Venus tries to let Caesar live, but the other gods intervene and tell her that it is his fate to die (p 355 356). Caesar does indeed die, but he is turned into a god upon his death. This glorifies is heir Augustus because he now is the son of a god. Ovid is trying to impress Augustus with flattering words, and by involving so many gods in his stories he is almost making Augustus a living god.

Free research essays on topics related to: augustus, punic wars, julius caesar, aeneas, present and future

Research essay sample on Present And Future Julius Caesar

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